Henty Machinery Field Days examines options for 2022
Henty Machinery Field Days has confirmed the annual field days will be held only once in 2022 but the option of an alternative event next March remains viable.
HMFD chief executive officer Belinda Anderson said the field days would run on September 20-22 2022 and the HMFD Board was evaluating options for an event on March 12-13 2022.
“After surveying the exhibitors booked for the 2021 field days, it was clear a replication of the field days in March followed by our annual event in September was not the way forward,” Mrs Anderson said.
“There were still many exhibitors keen on an event but the nature of their business has the HMFD management looking at a different style of event on March 12-13 2022.
“As this new event is still in the development phase with a few more logistics to be locked in, no further details are available at this stage.”