Have your bulk billed skin cancer checks at Henty field days
Visitors to the Country Lifestyle pavilion will be able to have bulk billed skin cancer checks thanks to the Southern Skin Cancer Clinic.
The Clinic’s team is passionate about visiting regional areas often lacking in these important medical services.
Having seen thousands of patrons in rural Victoria/NSW over the years - finding hundreds of skin cancers including over 400 melanomas, staff continue to spread the word of the importance, especially for farmers who spend most of their time outdoors, to have at least one skin check every year.
Skin Cancer does not discriminate and is not as some people might think an old person’s disease. Sun damage just keeps adding up and eventually it is likely to become a skin cancer.
Statistically two out of three people in Australia will develop some type of skin cancer before the age of 70.
Staff highlight the importance of being SUNSMART by protecting your skin and eyes from excessive sunlight and getting regular skin checks.
Have you noticed a mole or freckle changing over a period of months, particularly if it grows in size, shape, becomes mottled in colour or irregular in outline?
Or do you have a mole you persistently itch or one that is lumpy or bleeds easily when rubbed with a towel and turns into a sore that doesn’t heal? These are all common signs you may have a skin cancer.
If you have never had a check before or are due for a yearly check-up - don’t put it off any longer - make sure you, your family and friends visit the friendly, caring and knowledgeable team in the Country Lifestyle Block: H for a bulk-billed skin cancer check.
The saying prevention is better than cure is particularly relevant to skin cancer and can be lifesaving with early detection so make sure you visit the clinic at the Henty Machinery Field Days.